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Fender Tex-Mex Stratocaster : Le Set de Micros qui révolutionne votre Strat

(57 avis client)


Découvrez le set de micros Fender Tex-Mex Stratocaster, conçu pour donner une nouvelle vie à votre guitare. Inspirés par le son légendaire de Jimmie Vaughan, ces micros single-coil offrent une combinaison unique de chaleur vintage et de punch moderne, avec des aimants Alnico 5 pour une dynamique accrue. Idéaux pour les fans de Texas Blues, ils offrent une sortie puissante et une polyvalence exceptionnelle, du clean cristallin aux saturations intenses. Upgradez votre Stratocaster avec ce set renommé pour son son authentique et sa qualité Fender reconnue.

Voir l'offre Amazon

Voir l'offre Thomann

UGS : B077Z8NMMY Catégorie : Marque :


Découvrez le set de micros Fender Tex-Mex Stratocaster, la solution parfaite pour insuffler une nouvelle vie à votre guitare. Inspirés par le son légendaire de Jimmie Vaughan, ces micros offrent une combinaison unique de chaleur vintage et de punch moderne.

Caractéristiques principales :

  • Set de 3 micros simple bobinage pour Stratocaster
  • Aimants Alnico 5 pour une dynamique et une présence accrues
  • Micro central à bobinage et polarité inversés pour réduire les ronflements
  • Micro chevalet surbobiné pour un niveau de sortie maximal
  • Plots étagés pour un équilibre sonore optimal entre les cordes
  • Couleur : Blanc

Spécifications techniques :

  • Résistance DC :
    • Manche : 6,4k ohms
    • Milieu : 6,4k ohms
    • Chevalet : 7,4k ohms
  • Note de sortie (Grave/Médium/Aigu) :
    • Manche : 4/5/5
    • Milieu : 4/5/5
    • Chevalet : 7/5/5
  • Dimensions : 4,32 x 12,07 x 12,95 cm
  • Poids : 318 g

Avantages sonores :

  1. Sortie accrue pour un son puissant et défini
  2. Aigus étincelants et son chaud caractéristique du Texas
  3. Polyvalence exceptionnelle : du clean cristallin aux saturations intenses
  4. Réduction des ronflements en positions 2 et 4 du sélecteur

Contenu du pack :

  • 3 micros Tex-Mex (manche, milieu, chevalet)
  • Vis de montage
  • Tubes de réglage de hauteur
  • Schéma de câblage

Idéal pour :

  • Fans de Jimmie Vaughan et du son Texas Blues
  • Guitaristes Stratocaster cherchant à upgrader leur instrument
  • Musiciens polyvalents explorant divers styles
  • Amateurs de sons clairs puissants et de saturations texanes

Pourquoi choisir le set Fender Tex-Mex Stratocaster ?

  • Qualité Fender reconnue mondialement
  • Son inspiré par une légende du blues
  • Polyvalence permettant d’explorer de nombreux styles musicaux
  • Amélioration notable du son de votre Stratocaster

Caractéristiques de construction :

  • Revêtement Polysol sur les fils de bobinage pour une durabilité accrue
  • Gaine en vinyle autour du câble de sortie
  • Bobine en plastique résistant

Conseil d’utilisation : Expérimentez avec les réglages de hauteur des micros pour trouver le parfait équilibre entre puissance et définition. N’hésitez pas à jouer avec le sélecteur pour découvrir toutes les nuances sonores offertes par ce set.

Transformez votre Stratocaster en une véritable machine à blues et rock avec le set de micros Fender Tex-Mex.

Informations complémentaires

Dimensions du produit (L x l x h)

‎29 x 19 x 9 cm; 226,8 grammes

Numéro du modèle de l'article



Tex Mex

Type de connectique


Interface du matériel informatique

‎Audio 1/4 pouce

Format du signal





9 Volts

Poids de l'article

‎227 g

Disponibilité des pièces détachées

‎Information indisponible sur les pièces détachées



Moyenne des commentaires client

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11 155 en Instruments de musique et Sono (Voir les 100 premiers en Instruments de musique et Sono) 522 en Pièces détachées pour guitares électriques

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7 août 2012






30 mA

Effets de sortie audio

Volume :

Type de contrôles


Interface matérielle

Audio 1/4 pouce



57 avis pour Fender Tex-Mex Stratocaster : Le Set de Micros qui révolutionne votre Strat

  1. allard

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Une nouvelle Strat

    Probablement le meilleur investissement possible sur ma Strat … Attention le réglage de hauteur des micros (voir tuto Fender) est particulièrement important avec les Texas Specials . Si vous additionnez un condensateur .1uf-150VDC dans le moteur … Ben ça le fait encore plus ! Juste une Strat de 59 … C’est bluffant ! (avec un ampli Mesa)

    Une personne a trouvé cela utile

  2. SoulfulSeñor

    Way more of an improvement in tone than I could have imagined!

    Wow, what an amazing sounding set of pickups! I had bought these nearly 2 years ago and never made the time to swap them into my 2009 USA Strat. Well, I finally got around to doing the full upgrade (pickups, pots, internal wiring and a beautiful mint green pick guard with aged white covers and knobs). Man, I am speechless! While I had managed to get some pretty sweet tones from the stock pickups, there wasn’t a lot of variety between the different switch settings. Now with the CS ’54s, each switch position has its own unique voice, and the tone controls actually play a major role in tweaking the sound! It sounds like a completely different guitar. I had to make several adjustments to my array of pedals and tweak the tone settings on my Orange Jim Root Terror amplifier, but that’s the beauty of this pickup swap: Every tweak and adjustment matters! I can’t wait to plug into my 90’s USA-made Hot Rod Deluxe and really shake the rafters! I could not be more pleased, and can now swap the original pickups into my « Crafted in Japan » Fender Aerodyne Strat and breath some life into a beautiful-but-somewhat-stifled guitar. (The stock pickups and electronics in that axxe are crap…) Well done, Fender!!!

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  3. T. Heine


    Mir gefallen sie. Bin sehr zufrieden. Habe mir eine Gitarre gebaut. Klingt gut.

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  4. M.P.

    Not cheap, but amazing tone

    Take the 57/62 and add a bit of oomph and you’ve got the Fat50s. Not lacking in A N Y T H I N G but not overpowering either. Likely the best strat pickups I’ve ever used – taking the crown from the 57/62 by just a smidge.

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  5. Avid Fan

    ’57/’62 pickups – The Search is Over…

    Like the 80s song, “The Search is Over”, I now realize that love is, indeed, right before my eyes…or should I say ears! I owned a Made in Japan ‘57 Strat Reissue (maybe from 1984 or so) that I foolishly sold years ago. Then, I spent years under the misguided assumption that hotter pickups are somehow better. Still, I’ve always missed the way my ’57 sounded. What defines the strat sound to me is the pure bell-like tones, bright clarity, and its ability to rock or get funky if needed. I also love the satisfying quack in the 2nd & 4th positions.The Texas Specials I’ve used in my guitars for years are nice pickups, but they don’t quite deliver on the qualities listed above. With these ’57/’62 pickups, it feels like a sonic blanket has been lifted and I’m really hearing the guitar again. It’s grin-inducing!Three things to note:1. The marketing here, and on the box I received, state that these pickups rate 5 out of 5 on the output(hotness) scale. My ears tell me this isn’t so. These sound like pure, warm vintage pickups. Oddly, I’ve seen other fender literature that states they are 1 out of 5.2. The pickup specs list a resistance for each pickup of 5.6 ohms. I tested mine with a multimeter before installation and each pickup tested 5.7 ohms. This is surprisingly consistent and close to what is advertised.3. As other reviewers have noted, the screws can be tricky when installing pickups to the pick guard. It took some finessing to get them to go in. I’ve never encountered that when changing pickups and it did take some time and patience.The only downside is that they are pricey and now I want to put these in my other strats. I strongly recommend these pickups with the caveat that sound is so subjective. Still, if you enjoy the warmth and clarity of vintage pickups, you will most likely love these. Happy playing!

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  6. HJ

    good of course

    good as promised. reduced noise

  7. Vergara pablo

    Excelent pickups

    Excelent pickups

  8. Daniele

    Perfetti per i fan di Hendrix ma non solo

    Ho sostituito i pickup originali della mia stratocaster american series, rispetto agli originali sono più morbidi, il pickup al ponte ha meno uscita (le standard di quegli anni montavano uno sovravvolto) e il centrale non è avvolto al contrario, quindi niente cancellazione del rumore nelle posizioni 2 e 3. Come da descrizione i pickup hanno cover bianca, io ho usato le mie originali perché i 20 anni hanno ingiallito le plastiche ed il bianco stonava. Anche le viti ho preferito le vecchie a base piatta che combaciano meglio col battipenna.Il suono è pulito, con attacco, ma non vetroso, bassa uscita.

  9. LuisLuis

    Las instalé en una mustang squier y el sonido mejoró bastante

  10. T.Walker

    Texas specials

    Great sounding pickups.Retrofitted to a 95 cij strat.Soldering skills are required.Make sure all of your wires are tidy before refitting the scratchplate.Plug in and enjoy.

  11. AreYouRichYet


    The Tex-Mex pickups are the best $100 I’ve ever spent on guitar stuff. I tossed them in a junky old low end Squier Strat and they sound fantastic! Jangly. Springy. Quacky. All the things I love about that signature Strat sound. I hate to say it but I like these better than the sound of the pickups in my Strat Ultra and may well order another set to replace those.The wiring diagram that came with them was wrong for the Squier but it’s no big deal – when replacing pickups I like to draw my own diagram of how everything is wired and also take a couple pictures. Whenever I have done that I’ve never had any problems with things not working right

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  12. JulioJulio

    Artículo abierto

    Decepcionado con la experiencia…llegó sin precinto…la caja toda rayada, y lo más grave…faltaban los potenciómetros y tornillos de montaje…mala experiencia…procedo a la devolución.

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  13. BurntFeezee

    Sound like the 60s

    Very vintage sounding. Perfect for Jimi, Gilmour. Cooler sound overall, lower output, woody bass that lets you hear sound of actual guitar more, brighter top end, more open. Prefer over stock Standard American pups, Texas, fat 50s, etc. Use a boost/conp and/or leave the grit to your amp/pedals, roll off some treble using tone knob on guitar or tone cut on amp to avoid prickly/ice pick treble, then play, enjoy. Note, not RWRP for middle pup, but who cares. Sounds like a strat in a record from 60s/70s if you dial it all in right.

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  14. John B.

    The BEST pickups I have ever heard.

    I bought these from here and installed them into a very cheap B stock guitar I bought online. The guitar was very flawed up but had a decent looking finish. It features a very cheap alder body, cheap bridge, nut and tuners, and terribad fret job on a very poor quality maple/rosewood neck that would make the most adept luthier fret. I completely re-did the frets and put some heavy 58-12 strings on the guitar with these pickups. I also tried them with Ernie Ball 10’s and they sound amazing, so you don’t need to use « barb wire » strings and absurdly high action, but it does improve the tone. And it’s the SRV tone we’re all after, right?Getting to the point: these are the best pickups I have ever heard. I have 57-62 which I love. I have almost every major guitar ever made. Alnico 3 and 5’s galore. 54’s, 69’s, Custom shop, Ceramics, crunch, p90’s — you name it. These are the best.My experience was extremely fast shipping, great customer service and a wonderful product that I love so much. Total price for my guitar was right around $220 bucks and it easily beats my $2000 dollar strat. I’m not the bright bulb in the world so if *I* can do this, *YOU* can too.I will add this: I’ve been playing guitar for 33 years. Putting it mildly, I have never been impressed with Tex Mex pickups but I LOVE these Texas Specials. I never thought anything would outshine my 57/62’s but these do. I can’t recommend these pickups enough.

    14 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  15. EGR403

    The best Fender pups out there

    I will never take these down from my Strat (Japan 62 reissue). The fattest, warmest, roundest sound – just as a Strat should sound as I see it.

    3 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  16. Anon

    Vintage Noiseless, truly brilliant pickups

    I really love these pickups. I installed them in a 1993 strat with a rosewood fretboard and it sounds just like how I’ve always wanted this guitar to sound, but without the noise. At first I wasn’t confident it would sound good because I wasn’t up to changing the pots and installing the 1m and 500k pots that Fender sends with the set. I kept the 250k pots that came in the Emerson custom prewired kit that I have in this guitar. But the pickups have plenty of brightness with 250k pots. Even with the 250k pots I still find myself rolling off about the same top end as before with other pickups. These pickups seem to have a little less ‘body’ than the Pure Vintage 65 pickups I had, but I actually prefer the sound of the Vintage Noiseless. I’m not sure what accounts for this change in sound – it could be that the old pickups were Alnico 5 and these are Alnico 2 but I’m not an expert on those specs. Either way, the best joy is how clear and articulate these pickups are. They are very balanced sounding and every note just rings even with a lot of overdrive. And of course, they are totally noiseless, unlike the Lace Sensor Golds I have in a different strat with a maple neck. Those pickups are quiet but not totally noiseless like the Fender Vintage Noiseless are. I still like the Lace Sensor Golds for certain mood or applications, but I definitely prefer the traditional sound of these Vintage Noiseless pickups. Wonderful pickups.

    5 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  17. Cesare G.

    Timbrica blues

    Ottimo prodotto, ideale per chi suona blues.

  18. menivekmenivek


    For quite a while I had been procrastinating over the purchase of Fender custom shop Fat 50’s and I finally decided to decided to purchase them from Amazon as they had the best price. I was all excited when my parcel arrived and eagerly opend it up to examine my purchase. To say I was gutted when I set eyes on them is an understatement. I had researched these pickups for some time , I had looked at many pictures of them but when I saw what I had been sent I was devestated for what was inside the Fender packaging was clearly NOT Fat 50s. The ones I received had thin pvc covered wires in various colours including blue ! They were not the chunky traditional waxy cloth covered white and black of the bridge and neck pickups and the yellow and black of the middle ,also the build and construction was clearly inferior and no fender custom shop stickers underneath.. I contacted Amazon immediately with my concerns and for a short while I was extermely anxious about the situation but credit to them they arranged another shipment for me and I was able to send back the fakes. For good measure I made an package opening video just in case the same were to happen but thankfully the second set were legit.You don’t normally expect this type of issue with items sold directly by Amazon but clearly they have an issue autheticating their stock. Somehow, fake/substitute items have been creeping into their stock.Now the good news I finally recieved the correct items and the difference in construction can clearly be seen so if you buy these know what you should be getting.As for the Fat 50s ….all the hype is justified for if you long for that quintessential sound that the Strat is famous for then these deliver in spades, their clarity and sweetness in my opinion just make them sound ‘right’.Yes nowadays you can get all manner of pickup types including ceramic but to me they are not what I believe a strat should sound like you may as well get a different guitar.IMHO Fat 50s are wonderful.

    8 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  19. NYC4meNYC4me

    Incredible upgrade to the sound! Plus a couple helpful tips for install

    A few years so I bought a Fender Starcaster used and got into the blues. This was the Costco and Walmart line of fenders- seriously entry level. Anyway after wanting to upgrade but not wanting to spend $2000 in the Fender Eric Clapton “Blackie” Stratocaster, I started looking at good bang for the Buck mods I could make to an honestly very good workable guitar chassis.I settled on 3: new strings, new Fender bridge, and upgrading my pickups. Turns out the same pickups in Claptons blackie can be bought for about $200, and I got even more of a discount because i bought a set from the Amazon warehouse.So for $170 I had my gear!Installing was fun too but here is what I wanted to say:The 2 pickups came with white and black wires; these are the neck and middle. Doesn’t matter which. The black and yellow is the bridge.The box included a very helpful graphic showing how to to the install, and that made it clear too.I got 3 potentiometers with the kit, and I didn’t pay close attention when installing them, nor did the graphic say which to put where, so I just went ahead and installed them. Then when i figured where they should have gone and why, so had to go back later and switch them up.Here’s the deal: I received 2 CTS 1 meg split shaft potentiometer, and 1 CTS 500k potentiometer.I discovered that due to the bright sound coming off the bridge, usually that gets a less powerful pot so it doesn’t overpower the other pickups, so I should have put the 500k pot there. Turns out it doesn’t matter which 1meg pot you use for volume or neck tone.The other big mistake I made was, once it was all soldered and I put the pickguard back on, I pushed the knobs down too hard and separated the potentiometers inside. I had to go back later and, while changing them, retighten them so the contacts were all flush again.Anyhow that’s it. The sound is incredible and I’m very happy with these purchases!

    5 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  20. Uli

    Passt nicht überall !!

    Im Gegensatz zu den VINTAGE NOISELESS sind diese HOT NOISELESS etwas dicker und passen nicht in jede Stratocaster – also: aufpassen !! Und der Herstellen gibt darüber keine Hinweise; auch in Musikläden (in den paar wenigen, welche es noch gibt) bekam ich keine Auskunft über die Maße der pickups oder noch besser eine exakte Auskunft darüber, in welchem Modell sie passen und in welchem nicht !!

  21. Francisco Venteo

    Expensive, but greaaaaaaat

    Transform your regular Strat into something that sounds pro, kinda bluesy guitar. If you are into blues or old time rock and roll, this set is for you, I love this pickups.

  22. Carlos SantiagoCarlos Santiago

    Excellent product from Fender. Awesome upgrade from the ceramic pickups that came with the guitar.

    Super easy install.All three pickups sound great.Very happy with this purchase:)

  23. leslie stevens


    Very good items

  24. 尼G坊主



    3 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  25. SuperGreatAirgunReviews

    Great pickups

    I own an early 2000’s Mexican strat. It’s tone never impressed me and I always wanted to buy an American Strat. I decided to give these pickups a try instead of spending all the money for a new guitar. These pickups were just what I was looking for. I play mostly blues, classic rock and metal. These pickups improved the sound for all styles. Mostly helping the classic rock/blues sound. But even metal sounds much better than with the mexican pickups.I would recommend these pickups for anyone looking to upgrade their mexican strat or maybe even squier. My friend who also plays guitar was blown away when he heard the custom shop pickups and said it sounded like a completely different guitar.If you like Jimi Hendrix then buying these pickups and selecting the neck pickup should not disappoint you.

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  26. Kurt Bauer

    Guter Klang


    Une personne a trouvé cela utile

  27. Nhendrix

    Surprisingly good

    I’ve gone through several pickup combinations in my Player Stratocaster looking for the sound that works for me. Most have been too low-output and bright for my rig (which is designed around a Les Paul). I am a fan of the voicing associated with Alnico 3, and given the reasonable price, I figured these were worth a try.I wired these up with CTS 250k pots and .022 uF mylar film caps, one on each tone pot. I was shocked to find these Mexican-made pickups beat out custom shop, Lollar and DiMarzio rail pickups to my ears. Highly recommended if you want a bit more output, and a bit less spiky highs in your Strat

    8 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  28. ROD

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Le son!!!

    J’ai longuement hésité entre ceux ci, le set 57/62 et les alnico ii pro. Je regrette pas du tout mon choix.Le son est précis, chaud, dynamique. Tout ce qu’on attend d’une strat comme il se doit

  29. BRONNER Christiane

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles


    Je voulais changer les micros de ma guitare pour avoir une meilleure sonorité. Impeccable. On entend vraiment la différence.

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  30. ManuManu

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    acheté en occasion

    J’ai acheté ce kit de CS 69 en occasion sur amazon au prix de 136€, ce qui ne reste pas cher face au prix de vente neuf. Bien que le carton recouvrant la boite en elle même soit en mauvais état, ce qui est indiqué dans la description, les micros semblent neuf et non utilisés, et la visserie est au complet.Bonne surprise pour un achat d’occasion.Les micros marchent, je prendrais le temps pour les utiliser une autre fois.

    4 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  31. Mr Paolo Francesco

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Puissance et précision

    Enfin un vrai simple bobinage qui n’a pas a rougir face a un double bobinage

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  32. zeus

    4,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Un son chaud…

    Pour l’instant j’ai encore quelques petits soucis sur ma gratte. Mais…Je règle son compte au mois de novembre. Donc question micro :J’ai fait monté ces micro sur une Strat mexico de l’année 2000. Les cordes en pure nickel et après 3 heures :Le son est plus puissant et une meilleure harmonie sur le cou et le chevalet.Si vous pensez de changer votre gratte car elle prend un coup de vieux, pensez à changer les micros et une petite rénove.Je recommande ces micros.

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  33. Thierry Y.

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    ca sonne

    quand on sait jouer, 😉

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  34. anthony

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Le top des micros

    J ai acheter se set de micro pour les mettre sur une strat usPour moi le meilleur des microsSi vous pouvez n hésiter pas

    4 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  35. tepehu Gérald

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Bon produit


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  36. rem

    4,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Pas mal dans leur style…

    …J’ai mis 4 étoiles car je trouvais que 3 n’était pas très juste, mais pour moi ça vaut 3.5. Si on tient compte du prix, c’est une très bonne affaire. Il faut savoir que le tex mex est un micro à tendance texas blues, avec un son un peu rocailleux quand on l’utilise avec un overdrive ou du gain. Ce n’est pas un micro fait pour avoir des solos « crémeux »; d’ailleurs je trouve qu’il ne supporte pas bien la distortion. L’overdrive léger ou le clean sont à mon avis plus son domaine de prédilection. J’ai trouvé aussi (cf commentaires en anglais) que les plots des cordes Ré et Sol sont trop sortis pour les cordes modernes (cela était fait dans les années 50/60 quand les cordes de Ré et Sol étaient faiblardes par rapport aux autres cordes…ce n’est plus le cas aujourd’hui). Cela se corrige facilement étant donné la construction de ce micro, il suffit juste de les enfoncer un peu plus. Attention, ne pas faire sur tout type de micros (comme les Texas Specials, ayant une construction différente). En fait, j’ai suivi les conseils du livre sur les strats, de Dan Erlewine (acheté sur amazon) où il explique que les plots doivent suivre le profil (radius) du manche. C’est un bon point de départ, que l’on peut ajuster ensuite selon ses goûts. Enfin, pour la hauteur des micros….affaire de goût et réglage plutôt sensible, je trouve que ces micros répondent mieux quand ils sont assez bas, ce qui est cohérent d’ailleurs avec un son clair ou légèrement overdrivé. au passage, c’est le micro qu’utilisait Jimmy Ray Vaughan, le frère de Stevie Ray Vaughan, ils sont d’ailleurs présents dans sa guitare signature. si un pro utilise un micro, c’est qu’il n’est pas si mauvais, juste une affaire de goût. En fait

    8 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  37. Marc bouchetat

    5,0 sur 5 étoiles

    Problème sur la qualité

    Sur le 3 micro il a fallu re soudé une bobine au contact du fille autrement très bon son

  38. Andrew denine

    Dont listen to most reviews these rock

    These pickups rock I got them in a 70s strat and i get an awsome srv tone an amazing rock n roll overdrive tone . Slam on a american sound with a ts9 tube screamer and they do it all . I’ve heard people say these are only good for high gain well they must not know how to play . I’ve got Texas specials, text mex trio pickups along with 1970s eng sa golds (I just love these I’ll never part ways ) but these deluxe drive pickups hang with the best and that’s facts . Dont do the stupid greasebucket mod it’s stupid some quality 250k or even 300k pots with nice orange drops and done do yourself a favor and wire your bridge pickup to the tone pot it gives you way more options. great price big sound good dynamics also

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  39. kingfloyd

    Se ajustaron a mi Squier sin problemas

    Una buena mejora y a buen costo

  40. christopher lehman


    great Texas blues sound. Closer to SRV than I can play so there’s that.

  41. Steven Eddy

    Great pups!

    Wow is all I can saw about these cool pickups!Nice and round is how I would describe them. Meaty but not too thick. Even through the tone spectrum and nice clarity and sparkle when you turn the tone pot all the way up.Attractively packaged – cool wax covered cloth push back wire – easily marked for correct installation.My Strat has never sounded this good – I think I may put these pups in all of my Strats.EDIT 10-23-2012After using these for a few months I still love them!Great tones and good looks!**********************************************09/27/2013The gift that keeps on giving!I still love these pickups – they just sound awesome.It never fails that I get a compliment on my guitar’s tone EVERY NIGHT I play. Awesome.Building a second guitar and these will go in there also.

    7 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  42. AntonioAntonio

    La última vez que compro algo así por Amazon. Decepción absoluta.

    No recomiendo para nada comprar estas pastillas en Amazon, del producto puedo decir que son unas pastillas brutales no os decepcionará ya las conozco y las recomiendo 100% pero no os puedo recomendar que las compréis por Amazon. Me han llegado claramente deterioradas y la caja estaba en muy mal estado como si fueran usadas. Es algo que ya ha pasado a otros compradores. Yo no me arriesgaría. Ves a comprarlas a una tienda física mejor. Saludos guitarreros!!!!

    4 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  43. Mr. SK

    Originals great, used ones useless

    Great pickups if you get originals, new and shrink wrapped. However, similar to what other recent reviewers report, the quality and authenticity of used copies is extremely uneven and unreliable in my experience. Some used copies sent out are in fact 25 dollar copies of another product.

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  44. Bergeron

    Le son est parfait pour le blues.

    j’ai acheter ce produit pour remplacer le ramassage existant de ma Squier et la qualité du son obtenu est complètement incroyable. Le son est riche et clair. Je donne 4 étoiles car j’ai découvert par la suite, d’autres vendeurs en dehors d’Amazon qui proposent cet article à un coût plus abordable.

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  45. giovanni

    ottimi !

    ottimi. silenziosi.potenti(tanto da sembrarmi quasi « scuri » come suono). ma regolati a dovere…e dopo un po’ di strimpellate …ti accorgi che..adesso la tua Fender è su un altro piano

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    Sehr gut

    Ich bin absolut zufrieden. Sehr gute Klangeigenschaften …..

    3 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  47. rockerillo

    Fender Custom shop 69

    Ho aspettato un po di mesi prima di recensire questi pickup perché ho voluto provarli per bene e devo dire che ne sono molto soddisfatto ,li ho montati sulla mia Stratocaster standard del 2004 che con i suoi pickup originali suonava un po freddina, questi secondo me hanno il vero tono che ti aspetti da una Stratocaster.

  48. Jesus DiazJesus Diaz

    Super Up grade a mi guitarra

    Compré este set de pastillas Fender y se los instalé a una guitarra de gama baja y oh sorpresa, que sonido tienen estás pastillas, simplemente fue una super compra y mi guitarra revivió.

  49. Gary

    … on the all the classic rock and blues I like and all the typically great reviews

    UPDATED 4/6/15: I’ve installed/uninstalled these into my G&L strat style guitar a couple of times. The first time I just wasn’t used to not having a RWRP middle pickup. I didn’t think I’d mind the HUM in every position… but I did and out they came within a couple of day’s. Maybe 6 months later, I put them back in while I was doing some other upgrades. My main focus with my guitar is that although it sounded pretty dang good overall, it just never quite sounded like what I thought a strat should sound like. The stock pickups were just over 7 ohms and I found out the stock saddles and trem block were made out of zink (pot metal to me). I determined to make my guitar sound like a strat so I took the guitar apart, painted the inside of the cavity with shielding paint, installed vintage style saddles, steel trem block, vintage RAW trem springs, blocked the 2 point trem with a thin piece of mahogany, wired in the CS 69’s and it was a huge difference. Shortly after I wired in a « Kinman » style treble bleed… and THAT brought everything together. My guitar NOW sounds as good as any strat I’ve ever heard. Before trying ANY new pickups, maybe try wiring in the Kinman treble bleed. It might get you where you want to go without changing pickups. That said, I’m very satisfied with the Fender CS 69’s and all of the upgrades that I’ve done. Together, my guitar has a VERY vintage tone with GREAT note complexity. The only other upgrade I plan on doing is the Ilitch silent backplate system to remove most of the remaining 60 cycle hum. Do yourself a favor and try the Thomastik-Infeld « Blues Sliders » as well. BEST strings I’ve ever used!!!

    7 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  50. JULIAN

    las devolvi y no tube ningun problema.

    las devolví porque me regalaron otras, no tan buenas pero ya no me hacían falta y no me pusieron problemas en la devolución.

    2 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  51. Lorenzo Lopez

    Sound great

    Early install and the pickups should great

  52. Jeffrey T. Palac

    Better than boutique expensive pickups I’ve tried.

    Rewind 3 years ago…i bought a custom shop 1960 reissue strat. The original pickups were the very best strat pickups I’ve ever heard. They were exactly what I wanted a strat to sound like. I didn’t like the thin neck on the guitar though, so I got rid of it.I’ve been playing strats for 25 years professionally; I’ve tried Don Mare, vintage noiseless, somarian cobalt noiseless, custom shop 69, seymour duncan, among others.Recently, I bought a used MIM road worn strat which I like very much. They have the Tex Mex pickups in these guitars. I love the way they sound. Just to compare, I decided to switch them out with some pickups I had laying around.First, the Fender Texas Specials. Tex Mex blows these out of the water. Texas Specials were very generic sounding in comparison. Kinda dead sounding, very ehh, not inspiring.Next, Fralin Vintage Hot. These were a little better than the Texas Specials, but they sounded like just regular run of the mill strat pickups to me. I guess if you were looking for a guitar that is a Jack of all trades, master of none, these might be good. No shimmery, stratty, glassy bell like tones.Put the Tex Mex back in… Wow these sound fantastic! They sound just like those custom shop’60 reissues. Super stratty, shimmery, warm, glassy and bell like clean. With some gain, they dirty up really nicely, retaining all the above qualities, but when you dig in they can get thick and sustained and make me want to play for hours. Buddy Holly cleans, Very Gilmourish when pushed with gain and fuzz.Very impressed!

    19 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  53. VN

    Absolutely fantastic!

    Wow, I am really impressed. I got these for my son’s Bullet Squier without expecting much. The original pickups in that guitar were thin and unimpressive, to say at least, and I knew anything I’d throw on it would be an improvement. What a difference the new ones made! The sound is now thicker, juicier, with much more mean and dirty attitude, when playing leads. In the clean channel they have that bell quality, which is what I was after. Clearly pronounced lows and highs, with mids a bit scooped. The single coil hum is very tolerable (and I am sensitive in that area!). Plugged into a Twin Amp this guitar sounds HUGE. I further replaced the tremolo with one that has a true steel block and much more mass. The result: the Bullet Strat now sounds better than my American Deluxe, believe it or not. When I play it, it inspires me to play more… Who would have thought!? Cheers!

    6 personnes ont trouvé cela utile

  54. Stratocaster


    Put these pickups in my old MIJ Squier Strat and they sound brilliant.

  55. Pavle


    5++ Woow! Extremely pleased with the sound and quality!

  56. Riccardo Micali

    Come trasformare una chitarra scarsa in una mediocre

    Le produit multimédia n’a pas pu être chargé.

    La mia prima chitarra è stata una Fender Squier, non la usavo quasi più poi ho visto su YouTube un tutorials di come trasformarla con i nuovi pick-up Tex, ponte e meccaniche. La chitarra è letteralmente cambiata e suona benissimo.

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  57. Giovanni

    Fender 099-2113-000 Pickup Stratocaster Fat Custom Anni ’50


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